Thursday, 11 September 2014

Reasons As To Why Knee Arthritis Becomes So Severe In The Long Run!

As a physiotherapist I have come across many cases of knee arthritis where the patients are suffering from severe pain which has become worse over the passage of time. After a few sessions with my patients I could track down the main reasons as to why their pain became so severe and why it worsened over the weeks. Following are some of the major reasons:

• The laid back attitude: one of the major reasons behind why the knee ache became so severe. Most of us when experience the pain tend to ignore it assuming that one will get well over the passage of time, But the pain does not vanish as if its magic. Rather the pain remains and the ignorance to do anything about it makes it more severe and nagging. One hardly visits the doctor let alone the physiotherapist in the initial days. Only when the pain worsens over a passage of time, do they take the effort to visit the doctor and if the doctor suggests a physiotherapist, they make the effort to visit one. Otherwise they tend to depend on over the counter drugs that are mainly painkillers. Do you have any idea how bad the side effects of these medicines can be?

• Lack of exercise / physical therapies: majority site their busy schedule as the cause behind not getting enough time for exercise or the different physical therapies. Surprisingly everyone is so busy that they cannot exercise on a daily basis and even if they do then they don’t have the commitment and dedication to carry it out on the long run.

• Improper diet: most of us have an unhealthy eating style. Fast foods, alcohol, cold drinks form a regular part of our diet along with cigarettes. Even if you are not suffering from this ailment, still this unhealthy diet is not good for your body. This diet has the potential to give rise to different serious ailments. Instead of the above mentioned food items, include green leafy vegetables, fruit juices, nuts, legumes, milk, lean meat and fresh fruits. Try and consume these items as much as possible on a daily basis. Many are not aware but the consumption of fast food along with alcoholic beverages, pastries and sweets increases the inflammation and tingling sensation of the ailment which in turn increases the pain factor.

These 3 factors have featured in the list of almost all the patients who are suffering from severe knee arthritis. Time and again I have advised my patients as well as all those who suffer from this ailment that go and visit a doctor as soon as possible. There is no point in ignoring the pain because in the long run you will be visiting a doctor so why not now? Why wait for the pain to become unbearable and so severe that you face difficulty in carrying out the daily activities? There is no better feeling that being fit and active.